Finding out how many people live in certain neighbourhood in Cranbrook or how many people moved to this community last year is easy to find with just one click.
Residents, business owners, potential investors and developers regularly have questions like these. Now they can use Cityviz to get answers. We have compiled many of those answers from reliable, trusted sources (Statistics Canada, BC Stats, CMHC and others) in an easy to understand, visual format that puts the fun in data. The Cityviz data portal for City of Cranbrook can be found on Choose Cranbrook – the City’s economic development website at, or directly at
Data is a great tool for innovation and development. This is our dashboard for our community and will help residents, stakeholders and City staff make informed and educated decisions. This is an important first step for us to achieving open data.
Darren Brewer, Business Development Officer with the City of Cranbrook

Investors, developers, entrepreneurs, economic development officers and public can now use Cityviz to gain insights into Cranbrook’s community profile, economic indicators as well as overlay existing businesses and facilities over demographic indicators on an interactive map.
We appreciate the variety of business environments in which our communities operate, and we are dedicated to helping everyone grow and prosper. We are looking forward to a long and successful partnership with City of Cranbrook and are excited to be a part of its success and prosperity.
Izabela Bogdanovic, Ruby Industries Inc.
To access the data portal, visit or via